Informação Nomes de Domínio

O que TLD / SLD / ccTLD / ccSLD representa?

TLD stands for Top-Level-Domain and is the last part of the domain name.

SLD refers to Second-Level-Domain and is the word before the TLD.

Em outras palavras para "", TLD é. Com, SLD é a palavra "meu domínio".

ccTLD is Country-Code Top-Level-Domain e.g. .us, .eu etc.

ccSLD is Country-Code Second Level-Domain, examples are, etc.

gTLD is Generic Top-Level-Domain categories of TLD, examples .com, .net, .org, .biz etc.

O que TLD / SLD / ccTLD / ccSLD que oferecemos

Oferecemos a maior parte dos domínios popular e amplamente utilizado:

  • gTLD - .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO, .BIZ, .ASIA, .MOBI
  • ccTLD - .US, .UK, .EU, .DE, .CA, .TV, .ME, .BE, .CC, .TW, .JP, .CO, .IN, .CM
  • ccSLD - .CO.UK, .ORG.UK
Registar um Domínio Transferir um Domínio

Nomes de domínio Detalhes

Vários nomes de domínio têm uma variedade de requisitos para o registo. Além disso, diferentes regras aplicáveis ​​às actividades e gestão cotidiana de cada determinada extensão de nome de domínio. , A fim de tensão sobre cada detalhe específico que você tem que saber quando registrar e manter um nome de domínio, nós preparamos a tabela abaixo. É um breve resumo de todas as extensões de nome de domínio que oferecemos e suas características específicas de distinguir.

  ? Este é o período máximo de um nome de domínio pode ser registrado / renovado uma vez. Max. Reg. Period ? Alguns nomes de domínio requerem informações adicionais para registro. Detalhes Adicionais ? Mostra se a transferência de um registrador para outro é permitido. Transferência admitidos ? EPP Key é a chave de autorização de domínio trabsfer, exigido para a transferência de um nome de domínio de um ro registrar outro. Alguns domínios não requer EPP para as transferências. Chave EPP ? Para uma opção de segurança para bloquear / desbloquear um domínio está disponível. Isso impede que um domínio a partir do roubo de transferência não autorizada. No entanto, esta opção não é aplicável para todos os domínios. Bloqueio de registro ? Fefers a Proteção de Privacidade de Domínio. Este é um serviço que esconde os detalhes do seu domínio WHOIS e os substitui por um genérico. Alguns domínios não são aplicáveis ​​para este serviço. Proteger WHOIS ? Determinados nomes de domínio, como .EU, .DE, .BE, .JPsó pode ser renovado através do processo de auto-renovação. Portanto, estes domínios só pode ser renovada 30 dias antes do vencimento e antes da sua renovação (vencimento) data. Se a data de renovação passou e um domínio não é renovado sem modificações serão permitidas para este domínio e este domínio continuará a resolver até ser excluído pelo registro. Padrão de auto-renovação ? Baseado em restrições Registro algumas extensões de domínio não tem permissão para alterar / editar os detalhes do WHOIS. Isso pode ser feito somente em casos especiais pela Secretaria (UK zona -. Nominet, DE -. Denic, CA -. CIRA, da UE -. EURid). Alterar WHOIS
.com 1-10 anos No Domain names with the .COM extension are by far the most popular, and can be purchased by any individual or business. Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
.net 1-10 anos No Short for .network, this domain extension was originally designed to be used by technical Web sites. However, domains using this extension can be registered by anyone. Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
.org 1-10 anos No .ORG became the registry of choice for organizations dedicated to serving the public interest, and today .ORG is considered one of the most trusted domains on the internet, however .ORG domain can be registered by anyone. Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
.biz 1-10 anos No Dedicated exclusively to the business community. The .BIZ domain are prepared to be used for a "bona fide business or commercial use". Anyone can register .BIZ domain. Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
.info 1-10 anos No The first unrestricted top-level domain since .com, .INFO domains are available for registration to the general public. Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
.us 1-10 anos Yes .US Registrant Requirements

1. A natural person (i) who is a United States citizen, (ii) a permanent resident of the United States of America or any of its possessions or territories, or (iii) whose primary place of domicile is in the United States of America or any of its possessions

2. An entity or organization that is (i) incorporated within one of the fifty (50) U.S. states, the District of Columbia, or any of the United States possessions or territories or organized, or (ii) otherwise constituted under the laws of a state of the United States of America, the District of Columbia or any of its possessions or territories (including a federal, state, or local government of the United States, or a political subdivision thereof, and unincorporated organizations based in the United States)

3. An entity or organization that has a bona fide presence in the United States of America or any of its possessions or territories.
Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
.me 1-10 anos No .ME is used to personalize your web presence and make a statement by a name. Plus it is a great tool for both individuals and businesses to help people remember where to find them online. Anyone can register .ME domain. Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 1-10 anos Yes .CO.UK Registrant Requirements

Additional contact attributes are required for registration of .CO.UK domain:
1. Legal type of the registrant should be specified.
2. Company identification number (required for Legal Types noted).
3. Name of the Registrant / Company (This can not be changed easily afterwards).

IMPORTANT: .CO.UK registration is not instant and needs approval by the .UK registry - Nominet. No exact period is specified for approval/rejection of domain registration request.
Yes No No No No No 1-10 anos Yes .ORG.UK Registrant Requirements

Additional contact attributes are required for registration of .ORG.UK domain:
1. Legal type of the registrant should be specified.
2. Company identification number (required for Legal Types noted).
3. Name of the Registrant / Company (This can not be changed easily afterwards).

IMPORTANT: .ORG.UK registration is not instant and needs approval by the .UK registry - Nominet. No exact period is specified for approval/rejection of domain registration request.
Yes No No No No No
.eu 1-10 anos Yes .EU Registrant Requirements

To register a .EU domain name, you must meet one of the following requirements: i) Undertakings having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European community; ii) Organizations established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law; iii) Natural persons resident within the European Community.
Yes Yes No No Yes No
.ca 1-10 anos Yes .CA Registration Requirements

In general .CA domain names can be registered by Canadian citizens, permanent residents or companies under the laws of Canada.

Additional contact details are required:
1. Legal Type.
2. Registrant of domain (individual or company's name).
3. Optional description of Registrant.
4. Trademark Number.
5. Organization registered location.

.CA registry CIRA has policy not to display name, address, phone, fax or email address for Individual registrants. It will remain as is for Non-Individual.
Yes Yes Yes No No No
.de 1-10 anos Yes .DE Registration Requirements

There is a requirement for a German street address or a P.O. box added to the Administrative WHOIS contact of the domain.

IMPORTANT: .DE domain registration is not instant and needs approval by the .DE registry - DENIC. No exact period is specified for approval/rejection of domain registration request.
Yes Yes No No Yes No
.tv 1-10 anos No .TV is the address for rich and dynamic media on the web. It's the preferred destination for video, film, animation, user-generated content and rich media of all kinds. Anyone can register .TV domain. Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
.asia 1-10 anos Yes .ASIA Registration Requirements

Anyone (person or entity) can be a registrant of .ASIA domains. In order to satisfy the .ASIA Charter Eligibility Requirement, one of the associated contacts for the domain (registrant, administrative, technical or billing contact) must be a legal entity in ASIA. A legal entity may be a natural person of a juristic entity such as a corporation.
No Yes Yes Yes No No
.mobi 1-10 anos No .Mobi is the only TLD dedicated to the unique needs of mobile web users. Visitors can trust that a website is compatible with their mobile device if it ends in .mobi. Domains are available for anyone to register, anywhere in the world. Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
.be 1 ano Yes .BE Registration Requirements

Country-code top-level domain designated for Belgium.

While anyone can register .be domain name there are other tight requirements you must know if you own such a domain name.
No No No No Yes No
.cc 1-10 anos No Top level domain for the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Anyone in the world can register a .cc domain for any purpose. Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
.jp 1 ano Yes .JP Registration Requirements

Any individual, group, or organization that has a permanent postal address in Japan may apply for a 2nd level, i.e., General-use JP Domain Name (DOMAIN.JP).
No Yes No No Yes No
.tw 1-10 anos No Taiwan's ccTLD. Unlikely previous practice .TW domains can be registered by anyone anywhere in the world. Yes Yes No No No Yes
.co 1-5 anos No A .CO domain name is a valuable digital asset that can help you to build and brand your online presence. .CO domain names may be registered for a period of 1 to 5 years by an individual, business or organization. Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
.in 1-10 anos No .IN domain names are available to anyone! Companies, individuals, and organizations in India and abroad are eligible. Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
.cm 1-5 anos No There are no residency requirements for .CM names. You can live anywhere in the world and register a .CM domain. No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
.uk 1-10 anos Yes Additional contact attributes are required for registration of .UK domain:

1. Legal type of the registrant should be specified. Registrant should be a UK resident and have a valid UK address.
2. Company identification number (required for Legal Types noted).
3. Name of the Registrant / Company (This can not be changed easily afterwards).
IMPORTANT: .UK registration is not instant and needs approval by the .UK registry - Nominet. No exact period is specified for approval/rejection of domain registration request.
Yes No No No No No
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